It’s May 30th bowel prep day!! Yeah, not really!! In order for the examiner to see the insides of your intestine and bowels, they need to be cleaned. If you ever get to experience “bowel prep day” my advice is to stay close to home and close to a bathroom. May 31st the procedure went well, it was the best sleep ever!!
On the way home I was still drowsy from the anesthesia, I remembered looking at pictures of a colonoscopy and making the statement, “That doesn’t look good”. I remember talking to Rick and telling him that the pictures were examples of a colonoscopy. He said, “No, that’s you”. It was still unclear to me what the pictures were showing me.
Later that evening I asked Rick about what the doctor said and he indicated I had a mass. Rick had told me earlier that I had a cyst. I remember telling him there is a big difference in a mass and a cyst. I looked at my pictures again, with a clear head and I saw the rectal mass. I googled “rectal mass” and all types of information came up concerning cancer and cancer surgery. This was unexpected and a little alarming. My first thought actually was “God’s got it”. I knew this day was coming and God had been preparing me for it for a long time. My life has been blessed and I have been blessed with minor setbacks, trials, and tribulations that God and I could handle. But this was something that I knew I was going to have to totally give to Him to do His will and I would just be a willing vessel of God.
Romans 9:21, 23 says, “Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, “
God has made me to honor Him. He has prepared me for the journey ahead.