On the first day of chemo, my fingers, hands, and feet are tingling. For the first couple of days, I’m not eating much at all. For some reason, the first bite of food makes my entire mouth hurt. After chewing the first bite of food, my mouth stops hurting. It only does this the first 2 days and then my mouth stops hurting and I can continue eating what I want as long as it is not cold. I sleep until late at night and then I’m awakened by night sweats. I have experienced minor hot-flashes in the past. I have slept with a fan for years, but that was because Rick was always cold and the room was kept a little warm for me. I did notice that when I was taking my chemo pills that I did not experience any hot-flashes, as a matter of fact, I was always extremely cold. Soon after I finished taking the chemo pills, the hot-flashes came back and I was back to being hot again. Poor Rick. 😊 The morning after chemo, I change the linen on the sofa (remember I have my pump connected to me so I sleep on the sofa), and throw away the sheets and pillowcases. On day 2 of chemo, I sleep most of the day. The nurse also comes the day after chemo and change my colostomy bag and check my vital signs. You may be thinking, “Why does she still have a nurse”. Yes, I could learn how to change my colostomy bag, I actually was trained on it before I left the hospital on October 15th. I’m just not mentally ready yet. I also kept the nurse around to check my vital signs. We have just recently had the closest hospital to us closed, I was going through chemo, and I was at the house through the day by myself. It was just a precaution. What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:4
Radiation – #50